She sells seashells by the sea shore….

I grew up on the beach and have spent my life surfing, diving, sailing and beachcombing. The thrill of the hunt, the colours, the magic of that perfect spiral design, I walk the beach everyday hunting down these treasures. My passion for the ocean drew me into a Degree in Marine Science, sailing yachts around the world, island life in the Pacific, and finally after a wavy windy path to selling seashells and other marine life here in the beachside village of Stanley, Tasmania. 

Shells and sea life are sourced from ethical companies around the world that are collecting stock that is either abundant, a byproduct from fisheries (subsistence and commercial) or by product of commercial aquaculture.

Shells from around the world, sea life such as sea stars, urchins, barnacles, crabs, sponges and fish.  Pretty pieces for around the home or that special piece missing from your collection. 

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